Leaving Blogspot.....
Yak. Saya udah mantep sekarang.
Berkat provokasi saran rekan2 blogger, mulai hari ini saya resmi hijrah ke Wordpress.
Tiyang Sae sekarang bisa ditemui disini.
See ya there.
Yak. Saya udah mantep sekarang.
Berkat provokasi saran rekan2 blogger, mulai hari ini saya resmi hijrah ke Wordpress.
Tiyang Sae sekarang bisa ditemui disini.
See ya there.
It's just getting worst :(
lha sapa juga yang suruh langganan segitu banyak
Bukan, ini bukan posting emosional atau romantis-romantisan. Saya nggak akan ninggalin siapa2 kok.
Ini tentang blog saya. TiyangSae.
Walaupun cuma begini2 aja, saya sudah terlanjur cocok 'tinggal' disini. Tapi pertimbangan untuk pindah rumah (lagi) muncul setelah belakangan ini beberapa teman blogger mengeluhkan repotnya ngisi komen di blogspot. Form komennya terpisah dari postingan. Dan sekarang kalau nggak punya account google / blogspot, nggak bisa ninggalin jejak url dan notifikasinya nggak dikirim ke email.
Sudah kepikiran mau loncat ke WordPress. Kenapa WordPress? Karena pertama, saya sudah lumayan familiar dengan interfacenya. Blog pertama saya dulu juga powered by WordPress. Terus yang kedua, menurut Mbakyu ini sih komunitasnya lebih kental, dan form komennya nggak ribet karena satu halaman sama postingannya. Yang terakhir ini sepertinya preferable buat para blogger. Termasuk Simbok Venus yang tempo hari terpaksa komen sebagai orang asing.
Jadilah postingan2 di sini saya export ke sini.
Niat pindahan ini benar2 lebih karena masalah kenyaman, saya dan siapapun Anda. Bukan alasan emosional (ehm, ada yang kesindir? ;)) ), karena tekanan atau hujatan oknum2 tertentu di milis kantor, apalagi cuma sekedar ikut2an. TiyangSae sebenarnya sudah lama saya daftarkan di WordPress. Nih, postingan pertama saya. Cuma dulu masih belum ada pertimbangan untuk completely hijrah ke sana.
So I really need some opinions right now.
Should I leave, or should I stay?
Please advice, ya.
Tnkyuu ^^
Having all-day-long fun chat with my hun really lighten my burdens (love u, hun). Today's tasks seemed so easy to be taken out from my to-do list. Well, actually I still got a few to be taken home :))
Hesti made me a fruit salad. It tasted real good, though it was only composed of pear and apple. Love that shaved cheese. She promised to make me another one. With complete mix of fruits, this time.
Jeffri is celebrating his bday. He sent us dozens of donuts here. And yes, that ancient tradition of our office is still running. We silently drag him outside, where he then being 'executed' :)). Happy bday, Jef. Good donuts, too.
Just when I'm about to leave, one of my office mate collapsed due to her typhus and I got to take her home to her parents by cab. Thank God we're not ended up in ICU, again, for the 3rd time.
A dude at the office accidentally sent 'junk' to our office's formal mailing list. Man, I just cant stop laughing. Do it often, dude. We're all deserve to laugh.
*Spoiler alert*
The new episode of Heroes was succesfully downloaded. It's the 11th episode of the 2nd season. Arief even kindly copied it into my sharing folder (thanks, dude). Though first episodes of this 2nd season went so boring and 'sinetron-like', the last ones don't. The badass special ability shows are back, just like the way I love Heroes at the beginning. Sylar got his power back after he kidnapped Mohinder and took the 'heal-everything blood'. Ow, and a key character got shot right before he exposed 'the company' to public.
Simbok made a post about THE LAW OF ATTRACTION. It was from Rhonda Byrne's The Secret. She said, our minds are connected to the universe. It's like... anything that we want, the whole universe will conspire to help us to achieve it (Paulo Coelho). I didnt really get into this kinda stuff, until something happened at this very night. Some may call it a coincidence. Oh, well. Nevertheless, I'm waiting for the DVD to come. Thanks a bunch, Mbok ^^.
Hmm, still got few tasks on my to-do list. But i'm too lazy to work at midnight. Specially when you got a bed to be slept on. Guess i'm gonna deal with them early in the morning.
Bye, everyone.
And Happy Thursday.
ps : i finally went to see the dentist yesterday, thanks to penyu ^^